Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Modern Technology: Are We Too Dependent? Essay -- Internet Computers E

Modern Technology Are We Too Dependent? Internet and television, the twenty-first century has become consumed by these two relatively new forms of media. Devoting more time to one or both of these two creations than ever before, the American public is rapidly coming in from the outdoors and finding the technological marvels of the twenty-first century. Now more than ever television and internet are a major part of people’s lives. The American Society is straying away from their roots as a nature loving community and becoming a community dependent on technology. If comparing stories told by my father about his childhood to those of mine, just one generation apart, drastic differences would be seen. Stories told by my father were of him and his brothers building forts in the woods, going camping for days with neighborhood friends and playing in the woods all day until my grandmother would call him and his siblings in for dinner. My childhood was quite a bit different. I also grew up spending a great bit of my childhood playing outside with my cousins and friends. Building tree houses, playing in the fall leaves, and all the different games kids play were just a few activities of our childhood days. However unlike my father who said he can remember when the first got a television when he was 6, I grew up with television. So I became curious. I wanted to know if most people my father’s age had the same experiences with televisions. In a survey I conducted to test the two generations. The 40+ age group (parents), and the 15-25 age group (children). The following results were found: In the 40+ age group, as a child: 50% watched an average of 5-6 hours per week 50% watched an average of 7-8 hours per week .. ...our direction† (p. 163). He goes on to say that â€Å"If we’re ever to recapture these fundamental kinds of information, it’s necessary to start by remembering just how divorced from the physical world many of us have become† (p.164). These passages from the essay give the results of survey great support. As time goes on society gets further and further away from their roots. Technology is spreading all across the world. Other countries of the world are devoting just as much time to these new technological marvels as Americans do. It is my belief that before it is all said and done every person in every city across the globe will own a television, and be connected to the internet truly making it a World Wide Web. References McKibben, Bill. Daybreak. In A Forest of Voices:Conversations in Ecology – 2nd Edition (pp. 156-169). Mayfield Publishing Company.

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